The Cats In the Cradle and the Silver Spoon...

Hey yall! Are you tired of the pitty parties in trying to conceive forums? Lol me as well! I mean sure it really really sucks that I have PCOS and my right Fallopian tube is blocked but I guess it could be worse right!?! Oh wait lol it is lol cause I can't be intimate with my husband without smoking weed because I have PTSD due to MST (military sexual trauma but who really gives a shit right lol)  and being judged every time I bring it up in forums and stuff lol cause you know drugs are bad mmmk... Lol right! Lol...

Though I may have my bad days lol and believe me I've had some badddd days especially on clomid, the thought of sharing it on a TCC forum now makes me want to yack lol! I only say this cause I did once and I mentioned that I had certain mental illnesses and what do you think they focused on? Lol you guessed it lol so I took that part out of my original post and people stopped responding... Hmmm why is that I wonder? Lol! It's probably because they were all so concerned with how I made a left handed pitch with my keys at the TV and so to them... It couldn't have been the clomid... It had to be my psych meds and psych diognosises lol right? Could have been a combination of both... That I might kinda entertain... But no... It was definitely a hormone swing lol... I discribed it as going through puberty again... And that I stand by!

I mean, I'll be 36 at the end of this April, I own my own house with my truly amazing husband who has an awesome job working for the department of labor in NYC (but some people lol on some forums think for some reason that he's my reproductive endocrinologist for some reason lol oh yeah cause they didn't really read what I posted cause they weren't interested in what I had to say cause all they wanted to do was troll me lol cause it's really cool to troll people in tryingt to conceive forums right?  lol!) Our mother-in-law lives with us along with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law lol... We live in our own basement until our second floor of our house is finished... Which will hopefully be soon cause we are hoping to get pregnant any month now lol... Much to the dismay of many haters who don't think we should be parents because of my mental illnesses and the fact that I can't work because of my VA disability status makes them yell at me and basically run me out of their house in the middle of February and then ridicule me on Facebook lol because they know better about how my husband and I should live our lives then we do lol

Truth is, I can't work because no place is going to keep me employed with them if I ever get admitted to the VA mental ward again (where my husband and I met btw lol) while I'm employed with them... But what they don't get is I CAN and WILL be a great mother even with my mental illnesses because I have mental illnesses, they don't have me! So if I do get admitted again, my awesome husband and my amazing time juggler of a mother-in-law, who is mother Theresa to a three legged dog (as she discribes herself because she will litterlly drop everything anytime anywhere and help her family and friends especially when they really need her) have told me til I'm blue in the face that they will always be here to help them if my mental illnesses get the best of me...

So where's the problem you ask?... Well personally I really don't know cause I'm not in the ignorant mind of those haters lol and I'm so glad cause I have better things to do then worry about how other people may jack up their childrens lives like it seems even all amazing parents seem to do I've noticed 😂🤣😂 cause I have yet to meet anyone in my life who had the perfect childhood lol dosen't mean it doesn't happen lol but being in the military, and living all sorts of places because of it, I've met a heck of a lot of people lol! And you know what they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? lol!

So why all the pressure y'all? I mean any negative comments I get on this thing I will be reporting... So if you disagree, keep it to your self cause I really don't care... Cause guess what lol I have baby's to make and I'm really not into sugar coating stuff lol I'm all about the fertile cervical mucus!!! Yes I spelled it out for you cause that's another thing I can't stand lol! Why do I have to censor what is natural from my body lol call it what it is right! Now I realize that most people use acronyms to make words shorter but most people don't know what EWCM means unless they Google it lol especially if they aren't trying to conceive... And I think the term baby dance is annoying really I mean, Ooooo holy crap you mean people arnt really dancing to make a baby 😂🤣😂 well they might but my husband and I have sexual intercourse or well sex for short lol call it what it is yall!!! Lol!

If you can't tell by now I'm kind of a bitch... And that's ok in my opinion lol... But if you're gonna throw shade watch out cause I throw back in the form of either ignoring your comments all together, reporting you, or just simply blocking you... Lol!

I'm not here to impress you or inform you or help you in any way and I don't expect anyone to try and do these things for me... I'm simply here cause I'm bord and no longer on Facebook because people are to sensitive and really don't care what I have to say anyways lol and why should they really I mean who really gives a shit if I live or die right lol I mean... really? lol!

Don't worry I'm not suicidal... Really haven't been since I was about 8 and wrote my dad my first suicide note signed "your stupid fucking brain dead daughter" lol scared the shit out of him lol especially since I handed it right to him in front of one of his snap on tool customers lol! Let's just say we made a deal that I would stop trying to over does on tylonal, if he would stop calling me brain dead lol!

So anyways my husband and I had sex a few hours ago and it was amazazing as usual!!! He came alot and I had shot some preseed into my vagina, and before all that i found some pretty fertile cervical mucus, hopefully we will not only conceive but actually give birth to a baby in nine months lol! Cause isn't that the point of all this... Not just to try and conceive and not just to get pregnant and stay pregnant but lol ACTUALLY HAVE A BABY!!! lol!!!

It cracks me up how I read about couples spending years just trying to have kids and once they get one they have no idea what to do with it lol! Luckily through out my life I've had the privilege of being able to take care of a wide age range of humans... From NICU babies to people on their death beds... And everyone I was privileged to help in between!

I'm also not the best at Grammer and I may not catch everything I need to edit, like ever 😂🤣😂 so if you are an English teacher or someone of even higher education level or just one of those ass hole Grammer Nazis we all just can't live without and love so dearly this may not be the forum for you... But if you must correct me, please sent me a private message some how and I'll possibly get around to editing my trifle of a blog lol!

I'll really try not to resort to personally insulting any one person in particular cause I feel if one dosen't have anything nice and or even productive to say, they really shouldn't say anything at all... right? God I love Bambi and thumper and thumpers mom 😂🤣😂!

I mean I really just need something to do while I keep my legs up to get my little sperm where they need to go, right? So this is it I guess lol!

I doubt anyone will really read this but the internet never ceases to amaze me! And I'll probably get trolled lol 😂🤣😂!  But oh well I'll probably keep blogging til I find something else to entertain me lol! Cause like I said, I'm no longer on Facebook, and I took myself out of the babycenter forums cause of the constant attention seekers I had to sift through just to find out if someone had actually had a baby after they posted about having the same pregnancy symptoms I just googled only to find their post and read all about how many bfns they had and then never posted wheather or not they had a successful pregnancy or not... Call me in sensitive, but there's only so many of those depressing things one can read before they just have to throw in the towel and, well, reading personal story forums all together... I mean they have a whole community full of people just waiting to pitty er I mean encourage them to keep trying and never give up! Right!?! Lol

But wait I've heard countless storys about how people have gotten pregnant and actually give birth after they ehm stopped trying lol 😂🤣😂 am I right or am I right... I mean it doesn't happen to everyone but it does happen more often then not... I mean it's funny to me that I can go on all sorts of fertility meds and supplements, change my diet to eating all organic, do four or so months of accupuncture, stay away from plastic wrap even, chart my cycles with my app, and basically do everything you can Google in the hopes of just seeing two little lines on a home pregnancy test, while some heroin addict gets pregnant with gorgeous children and crys to people about how much she doesn't want to be a mom Anymore boo hoo hoo and all that... But I guess that's what I get for "doing everything "right" and keeping my nose clean" or as we say in the Navy, I just didn't get caught lol!

I'm sure someone is going to get butt hurt about this stupid little blog of mine, lol! Oh well what's life without a few trolls... Mean people may suck but sometimes you can really learn from them as what not to do lol (that wasn't an invite to trolls... Just encouragement that they are better then to post trashy comments on my blog lol for only I'm allowed to do that lol!)

So I hope you've all been entertained, lol! Maybe next blog I'll talk about something that actually has relevance... 😂🤣😂 Or then again, maybe not!!! Lol!

Very Respectfully,
mcl and blessed be!
