Hey yall! So #babycenter took down my post that was seriously trolled after I simply asked others to post about how they unblocked their tube(s) lol let's just say that I'm thinking synority rules cause I don't know maybe the 5 articles full of "I didn't get a bfp this cycle" seemed to be more educating and theraputic to people than people actually talking about what actually worked for them and providing support for others by giveing first had experiences of their success in whatever type of means of unblocking their tube(s)...

I personally felt very snubbed and seemingly trolled by the admin who decided to show her ass (if youre from Virginia you know this doesn't litterlly mean she pulled down her pants and showed her ass just that she showed how much of an ass she is be by how she responded lol) and decided to explain in so many words, that they are just a bunch of women who sit around on infertility forums at work 😂🤣😂 fucking killed me 😂🤣😂 must be nice 😂🤣😂 to just sit around all day at their job and bs on a forum and look for that somewhat elusive second line Everytime some pee on a sick addict posts cause they don't want to show anyone else thousands of total stangers on the internet cause a) if they are pregnant they want to keep it a secret from everyone they know until they are at least 8 weeks along which I totally get lol but why not just have ones significant other or a friend or someone randomly walking down the road look because when I was pregnant in july, my camera wouldn't even pick up the line on the pee tests my husband and I saw a line on 😂🤣😂 so we went to the VA ER to confirm it lol turns out my hcg level was 19 lol it was so funny cause the ER docs were so confused about how a blood test could be positive but the urine test they took themselves was negative 😂🤣😂 I told them they needed to get more sensitive pee tests as they stood there completely awe struck 😂🤣😂 I'm like duh... and B) if they aren't pregnant cause all these people in the forms don't see the elusive second line, (even though like me it just wasn't showing up in the pics i would take, even when I changed the color to negative when I was pregnant in July 2017)

I consider myself no longer a pee on a stick addict cause I can simply go to my reproductive endocrinologist (who btw isn't my husband dispite what some dumb ass rock troll seriously thought when they decided to only (obviously) half assed read my comment and then proceeded to tell me how they didn't read anymore cause they really didn't care about the story of my life 😂🤣😂 which I'm like ok like I give a care that you don't care lol obviously you must have cause you felt the need to read some of it and totally misunderstood and even confused yourself when I was talking about how amazing my husband is in bed and then in the next sentence started talking about my reproductive endocrinologist... 😂🤣😂 And so they thought I was saying that my husband is my reproductive endocrinologist and I've only seen him once a week for the past year 😂🤣😂 I'm like what the heck are you talking about 😂🤣😂 anywhoo) and get my blood drawn to find out if I'm pregnant or not...) By simply spending $30 and I can get a blood hcg! Nope no more peeing on a stick for me! In many states you can go to a place called "Any lab test now" and get your blood hcg tested for around $50 and they don't take insurance 😀 so basically $50 a month (about 3 days before my period is scheduled to start according to my fertility friend app (which I highly recommend! Cause it's the only app I have found that has about 95% of the time perdicted my periods accurately 😀 and the only time it hasn't is when I've had obvious hormone fluctuations and a miscarriage that made me miss my period entirely) cause then I know if it's ok to stop taking my natural progesterone oil (which I also highly recommend if you want to try something other then prevara which is synthetic progesterone... I'd also highly recommend talking to your doctor about taking it even though my Dr doesn't know I'm taking it... It just hasn't really come up and he has told me he thinks supplements are whooy...) I'm only going to take this oil at the beginning of my pregnancy (when I find I am pregnant) because I'm sure as my pregnancy gose on I'll need to have them give me a higher dose of synthetic progesterone, because I'm pretty sure that lowered progesterone levels (caused by stress of family members stressing me out even my own parents are convinced of this as well as my husband) you can know, FOR SURE, if you are indeed pregnant! Cause blood hcg tests can pick up hcg in the smallest of amounts...

At most medical facilities I've been to, a 5 or higher is a positive... Or so it says on the little range chart I've noticed when they print out the results... But it also depends on how far along you are... If you're like 7 weeks and you're only at 5 then you may have miscarried... But I'm not a medical provider so I'm seriously not one people should quote 😂🤣😂 I mean if you go to your doctor with me in your bibliography of works cited as where you got your information, 😂🤣😂 I hope you're Dr dose your child a favor and either tells you you shouldn't take the advice of everything published on the internet (like mine did 😂🤣😂) or hopefully they tell you to come back when you are actually serious about procreation with the help of a real licenced health care provider cause I definitely am NOT one of those 😂🤣😂... (Though I am known to my past and present Marine buddy's at the VA (and my Marine patients) as Doc... Cause I'm a Navy Corpsman Vet... Once a corpsman always a corpsman... Or corpswhore 😂🤣😂 how ever you want to address me is fine 😂🤣😂 (as my mama done tol me, just don't call me late for dinner 😂🤣😂)

So I don't remember if I posted about the fertile cervical mucus I so excitedly found, but because I found it, we decided to be very sexually active this weekend 😍😂🤣😂😍 and it has been amazazing!!! We thought about getting a hotel cause we didn't want to disturb the other people who live with us because I personally can't stand hearing other people have sex (especially right above my head like someone loves to do cause he supposedly "forgets" he's not supposed to have sex in our house cause I'm right below him and can literally hear him fucking his bedroom future around the room! At 2-3-4-5 o'clock in the morning! Now that's a sure fire way to piss this bitch off!!! I've told my husband, he does it again and it's either him or me that leaves... And since I own this house either way isn't going to work out well for him... And for those of you who think I'm being hypocritical, my husband and I are in our mid 30s, own this house and are trying to start our family now that we have the means to do so... Little brother just wants to have an orgasm... Which in my opinion when he his here in this house living above my head, is what his hand is for... Or his pocket pussy that I'm told has herpes 😂🤣😂 cause it was thrown at his mom when she was cleaning his room and they told her so 😂🤣😂 I know it's a joke 😂🤣😂 but really who knows 😂🤣😂 with the randoms he has brought into this house that he meets on Snapchat and without knowing anything about them other then they may be cute, have a vagina, and want to fuck him... Ick!!! What kind of mother raises their daughter to think in any societal class that it's ok to just go to some random dudes house and fuck them... One that obviously didn't give a shit to care that their daughter could be raped or murdered by the dude or the family of psychos that own the house shes in... I for one don't trust people like that cause goodness knows who they are and what their true motives are... They could say my brother in-law raped them when he totally didn't... You would be surprised what attention seekers make up for either attention or revenge for say one of his X's trying to get even so she gets or maybe even pays some skank to flirt with him on Snapchat and because he's like a horny teen and dosen't care enough about them (and or possibly himself for that matter other then that all important orgasm he's seeking) to date or really get to know if they are good or bad people or not and what their true motivations in coming into my house are... They could simply purposely fall and hurt themselves and sue us) near me...

 I mean I delt with that shit enough while I was in the military and even renting apartments and such and I just feel as someone who has worked hard to earn their own house, I should have to put up with that kind of crap anymore if you know what I mean... And thank Goodness my mother in-law agrees cause my husband is a guy and will sleep though anything it seems so he doesn't see the problem... My mother in-law is pretty good about making them leave... So at least there's that lol ... I love my brother in-law and he's a good dude besides that kind of toolish part of him so I have nothing to complain about when it comes to him but that...

 He'll understand some day when he's trying to have his own house and a family... Or maybe he won't be put in this kind of situation so for that hopefully he will consider himself lucky... Cause it's really disturbing to be made to listen to that... Especially since my husband and I make damn sure we are all but completely silent if we know people are home...

 If no one is home or planned to be home 😂🤣😂 for get it 😂🤣😂 I'm loud as heck 😂🤣😂 and if you walk into MY house and hear us when you're supposed to be at Christmas day dinner with your mom and sister and rest of the family like I was told by your mom and my husband, you were well then get ready for the longest and loudest sex you will probably ever not want to hear 😂🤣😂 and thats not my problem or fault that you weren't where you were supposed to be 😂🤣😂 which was not in my house when everyone else was at your aunts house on Christmas day 😂🤣😂

Well I think I'll have to stop there cause there's food waiting for me to eat 😂🤣😂

Mcl and blessed be,
Very Respectfully,
