So I'm cheating so sue me 😂🤣😂

No not on my husband 😂🤣😂! We've decided that diet and exercise arn't enough to help me get rid of this fat on me... And beings that I'm 36 and we're trying to start a family, we don't have all the time in the world to wait for me to lose this belly fat so that I can actually work out more then just taking walks on the beach at Jones beach and me riding my stationary bike my husband bought me... Not to mention I feel like I've been on every diet imaginable and the only one I've ever had any sort of success with is Atkins...

But diets aren't everything especially when the whole reason I gained 90 lbs in the first place was cause the VA put me on resparidone back in 2012 after I admitted myself after the X husband broke up with me... My husband met me on that ward and I weighed 170 or so lbs back then and was basically platued at that weight til they put me on the resparidone like I said... 90 lbs y'all I looked like a marshmallow... And pretty much still do... The only thing that has changed is my breast size but that's cause I had a reduction in October 2014... Right after that I lost 50 pounds but you couldn't tell cause I didn't even drop a dress or pants size...

Well I'm not doing this anymore... And because of our infertility issues I don't have time to wait around for the fat to magically disappear on its own or even with more dieting and trying to do more excersizes that end up just making me hurt more...

My husband has been suggesting liposuction for some time now... First it was a joke I thought and we laughed it off... But then I asked him if he would really be cool with it if we could afford it... He told me he wouldn't have suggested it in the first place if he wasn't cool with it and if we couldn't afford it... So I did some research and found info on smart lipo... After watching some YouTube videos, and seeing other peoples results as well as videos of the actual procedure, we decided why the hell not!!! 😂🤣😂

So tomorrow I go in to have the procedure and I'm super nervous... Cause I don't want to have to listen to peoples opinions about why I should just get off my ass more and even starve myself more... Fuck that y'all if it works for you great lol but when you're like me and have weight gain because of antipsychotics like resparidone (which I'm no longer on and that's why I was able to lose that 50 pounds in the first place right after I got off it) which make you gain 90+ pounds and you lose 50 and still arnt able to buy new clothes in a smaller size, something else has to be done... So I'm doing it...

Not to mention all the amazing things my husband dose for me and all he puts up with by me 😂🤣😂 he definitely deserves a better looking wife... Who looks like the one he met back in 2012 😍 he's my motovamoti for looking better and being more healthy... Peace
