
So I'm cheating so sue me 😂🤣😂

No not on my husband 😂🤣😂! We've decided that diet and exercise arn't enough to help me get rid of this fat on me... And beings that I'm 36 and we're trying to start a family, we don't have all the time in the world to wait for me to lose this belly fat so that I can actually work out more then just taking walks on the beach at Jones beach and me riding my stationary bike my husband bought me... Not to mention I feel like I've been on every diet imaginable and the only one I've ever had any sort of success with is Atkins... But diets aren't everything especially when the whole reason I gained 90 lbs in the first place was cause the VA put me on resparidone back in 2012 after I admitted myself after the X husband broke up with me... My husband met me on that ward and I weighed 170 or so lbs back then and was basically platued at that weight til they put me on the resparidone like I said... 90 lbs y'all I looked like a marshmallow... And pretty muc...
These hormones are making me suicidal... I just had to give my husband my bottle of sleeping pills so that I wouldn't take all of them like the voices are telling me to... I don't know how much more of this I can take... I feel like I'm wasting our time... Haters rejoice... Fuckn rejoice y'all... I'm sick of living like this... I'm sick of being a burden on my husband and our family... I'm sick of the dissapointment and sadness I'm being made to feel... And made to make others feel... Is it really all worth it... I can't stand the uncertainty of all this fucking ttc shit... We spend all this money for what... Nothing... But heart break and dissapointment... Just like I've been for what seems like forever... It's just all rediculous... I how can I bring life into the world if I can't even handle and even appreciate the one I have... I feel like such a waste of time and energy... I have no motivation anymore even to get out of bed most days...
Hey yall! So #babycenter took down my post that was seriously trolled after I simply asked others to post about how they unblocked their tube(s) lol let's just say that I'm thinking synority rules cause I don't know maybe the 5 articles full of "I didn't get a bfp this cycle" seemed to be more educating and theraputic to people than people actually talking about what actually worked for them and providing support for others by giveing first had experiences of their success in whatever type of means of unblocking their tube(s)... I personally felt very snubbed and seemingly trolled by the admin who decided to show her ass (if youre from Virginia you know this doesn't litterlly mean she pulled down her pants and showed her ass just that she showed how much of an ass she is be by how she responded lol) and decided to explain in so many words, that they are just a bunch of women who sit around on infertility forums at work 😂🤣😂 fucking killed me 😂🤣😂 mus...
The Cats In the Cradle and the Silver Spoon ... Hey yall! Are you tired of the pitty parties in trying to conceive forums? Lol me as well! I mean sure it really really sucks that I have PCOS and my right Fallopian tube is blocked but I guess it could be worse right!?! Oh wait lol it is lol cause I can't be intimate with my husband without smoking weed because I have PTSD due to MST (military sexual trauma but who really gives a shit right lol)  and being judged every time I bring it up in forums and stuff lol cause you know drugs are bad mmmk... Lol right! Lol... Though I may have my bad days lol and believe me I've had some badddd days especially on clomid, the thought of sharing it on a TCC forum now makes me want to yack lol! I only say this cause I did once and I mentioned that I had certain mental illnesses and what do you think they focused on? Lol you guessed it lol so I took that part out of my original post and people stopped responding... Hmmm why is that I wonder...